1350-1500 & modern architecture (Lecture 10 example)

Edirne Üç Serefeli Mosque

Hendrick’s Gin Palace & Distillery / Michael Laird Architects



In lecture 10, we mainly focused on the renaissance architecture and talked about 13th and 14th-century mosques, imarets, madrasahs. In this context, I want to find an example which comprises them.

Biforate Window

In Hendrick’s Gin Palace & Distillerythe main space and some flanking spaces exist. There is a kind of large dome in the centre and the other small domes are around. The construct is highly similar to Üç Serefeli Mosque in terms of these qualities. Because also in Üç Şerefeli Mosque small domes extend the space and the large, main dome sits on an octagon in the centre. 

Apart from this, the existence of arcade in the front facade has a reference to Üç Serefeli Mosque (in the courtyard) and also renaissance architecture.

And lastly, I thought that the usage of windows in the arcades evokes biforate windows which are used in the renaissance architecture. Both of them have similar appearances.


 “Hendrick’s Gin Palace & Distillery / Michael Laird Architects” 02 Dec 2019. ArchDaily. Accessed 2 Dec 2019. <https://www.archdaily.com/929348/hendricks-gin-palace-and-distillery-michael-laird-architects/&gt; ISSN 0719-8884

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